Click Bond sponsored the UNR Innevation Center Makerthon competition for the third year in a row, March 24-26!
Click Bond sponsored the UNR Innevation Center Makerthon competition for the third year in a row, March 24-26! The event — distinguished this year with the name “Mak3rthon” — involved seven student teams competing, with the help of mentors, to design solutions for a real-world problem and build prototypes, all within 48 hours. Teams then presented their solutions to a panel of judges, who were tasked with selecting which team would win the $1,500 grand prize.
The team’s task or challenge was to design and create a product to improve outdoor accessibility for all. The design and product needed to support those with disabilities that affected mobility, cognition, vision, hearing, self-care, and more.
The seven teams from UNR and local high schools set out on the 48-hour challenge using the materials, machines, and resources provided in the Makerspace at the Innevation Center. They also had access to subject matter experts and mentors to offer input and support them throughout the weekend.
Mentors from Click Bond included Omar Sanchez, Ray Baluyut, Scott Lenfestey, Nikki Abernethy, and Ellie Keene. Production Technician Kenzie Malone represented Click Bond as a judge, helping the other two judges pick the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
The winning team, Team Jirachi, took home a $1,500 check for their invention: a prototype for a product called The Climbin’ Buddy. This wearable wrist and ankle band with embedded RFID readers is supported with a mobile app, making rock climbing more accessible for the visually impaired.
Overall, it was a fun, inspiring, and successful weekend for all involved! A big thank you to all Click Bonders who supported this sponsored event! It was a huge success, and we hope to help the 4th annual Makerthon in 2024!